The Mother-Daughter Way LIVE weekend was a celebration of shared self-discovery.
On the sign-in book, I see these comments: “A warming of the heart,” “Wonderful sharing and fellowship,” “Beginning to really enjoy life,” “Sharing with others is very healing,” and “an opening of the heart in remembrance of Mom.” Although our event began on a snowy afternoon chronicled by local photographers, we offered a warm welcome at “Ocean Alice’s.” Our off-site host, the Victorian Motel also rolled out the red carpet. Big thanks to John & Suzanne Cooke and the staff. Those who stayed at the house (which is not completely winter hardy) braved the drafts with extra layers and blankets. We got cozy with a welcome circle in which everyone met face to face — many of the group had only known each other by voice until this evening.
There’s something transcendent about getting away from routine, waking in a new place, and gathering with like-minded women to explore self-discovery with creative techniques that bypass the anxious mind. So it was this past weekend. I structured the gatherings the way I structure my yoga classes. We began quietly with an intention, then some movement, and then instruction. At that point, I passed around spirit prompts — a collection from Louise Hay, “Power Thoughts for Women.” Everyone selected a random card. For 20 minutes, we free-wrote on the thoughts spurred by our particular card and a set of suggested questions about mother-daughter issues we might be facing.
I had allowed 90 minutes to share, and with 9 women in circle, I thought we’d complete by noon for a lunch break. Ha! We talked until 1:00pm, and still had more to say, but we stopped to have lunch so we could refuel for a meditation and yoga session at the Carroll Gallery. Note to self: When asking women to embark on a journey of self-discovery by writing and sharing deeply held mother-daughter issues, double or triple the time allotment!
The afternoon session in the Carroll Gallery was equally wonderful, and the setup was surprisingly easy. This group includes 3 awesome nurses, and although I was concerned about schlepping a car full of yoga props to and from my Merchantville teaching venue, I was swept away by the sheer energy and efficiency of my dear nurse-yoginis. They moved those props like they were closing up a shift on the pediatric ward. The gallery space was clean and perfect. We began with a guided meditation on the colors, sounds, and energy of the chakras. Then we proceeded with a gentle vinyasa practice, and we ended with a restorative practice. By 5pm, everyone was deeply relaxed and ready for some quiet time before dinner.

After dinner, we watched a video about creativity titled “Moving from Emptiness,” and then we ended with a closing circle. On Sunday morning, we gathered for breakfast, then a session of writing to a prompt and sharing our thoughts. By the second lunch on Sunday, we resonated with a connection to self, each other, and our mothers or daughters that transcended any stories we might have brought with us at the outset. Self-discovery thrives upon release of stories we have told again and again.
If you or someone you know would like to enter this space of self-discovery, please sign up here (click the link), download your Free Mom FIX, and stay in touch. I am excited about sharing this program with anyone who is ready to move more deeply into herself and her mother-daughter stories.
PS: Thanks to Ann for taking charge of the kitchen, Leigh for the candid photos, and everyone for pitching in!
PPS: Click this link to see a short video of the weekend — Self-Discovery as the Mother-Daughter Way